Dasein Therapy - The Institute For Extistential-Psychoanalytic Therapy
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Frequently Asked Questions

When are the two trainings?
The first training, Introduction to Existential-Psychoanalytic Therapy, meets most Thursday evenings from 7:30 until 9:30, for thirty weeks from September through early May.

The second training, Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time: A Reading Class for Therapists, meets twenty Saturday mornings from 9 AM to 12 noon, from September through May over a period of 20 months, with June-August off.

What will the experience be like in each of them?
In both classes, students focus on self-understanding as well as conceptual learning. In the first class, each student will explore and discuss the story of their own repetition compulsion, understood in terms of existence rather than psychopathology. In the second class, each student will respond to the text of Being and Time in philosophical, clinical and/or personal ways. Psychology, philosophy and personal awareness are inseparable in these classes.

For more information, click here

What are the requirements for taking the classes?
The introductory class requires that participants have had some personal therapy and are interested in philosophy, psychotherapy, and existential issues. The second class usually is taken after the first, unless the participant has some background in reading existential philosophy. There are no degree requirements for taking either class, and non-therapists who are interested in the relationship of philosophy to therapy are encouraged to apply.

What is the relationship between the Institute and the New England Center for Existential Therapy?
Most members of NECET have taken one or both of the trainings. Graduates of the trainings often form friendships and close professional relationships. Bob offers systematic ongoing clinical consultation to graduates of the training program, as do other senior clinicians who have graduated from the program. There are an increasing number of therapists, artists and educators who are members of this vibrant community.

Do the training classes offer continuing education credits?
Bob applies to NASW for 30 hours of CEUs for licensed social workers, and he applies to MAHMCA for 30 hours of CEs for licensed mental health workers. These applications have never been denied.

How much do the trainings cost?
Each sixty- hour training costs $1800. A deposit of $100 is required to hold a place in the upcoming year’s class. A variety of payment options is available.

Where do the trainings meet?
The trainings meet at the Center for the Healing Arts on Mt. Auburn St. in Watertown Square. www.watertowncenter.net

What can you tell me about Bob’s practice of psychotherapy and consultation?
Bob has a private practice of individual and couples therapy in Somerville, Massachusetts. He uses an existential-object relations approach in therapy, along with a systemic focus. He also consults to therapists, writers, teachers, and pastors about how to use this approach in their work. He is available for in-service trainings. Anyone wishing to engage his services for ongoing systematic clinical supervision must have taken at least one of his institute trainings.